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Diskussion «RIMMA2025 - Int. Conf. on Forecasting, Preparedness, Warning, and Response Visualization, Communication, and Information Management, 28 - 31 January 2025, University Bern (CH)»
Artikel 1-5 von 5

Christophe Lienert
1. September 24 (17:05 Uhr)
Beitragsnummer: 5320
Conference RIMMA2025 update:

• Track/session/panel/workshop proposal - closed*.
• Topic-related / strategic forums (experts discussions) - closed*.
• Abstracts and full paper submissions - NEW: 29 September 2024

Submit your contribution and register here:

* thank you to those who’ve submitted proposals/forums. If you still want to submit and need more time, contact us please.

Conference website: []

Christophe Lienert
28. Juni 24 (07:31 Uhr)
Beitragsnummer: 5284
The call for submissions for RIMMA2025 is ongoing and the conference website is further updated:

• Track/session/panel/workshop proposal - NEW: 31 August 2024
• Topic-related / strategic forums (experts discussions) - NEW: 31 August 2024

All other submission dates remain unchanged.
Submit your contribution today!

Stefan Keller
21. Mai 24 (22:57 Uhr)
Beitragsnummer: 5263
The call for submissions is out now:

• Track/session/panel/workshop proposal - 30 June 2024
• Topic-related / strategic forums (experts discussions) - 30 June 2024

Submit your contribution today!

Christophe Lienert
12. Mai 24 (15:30 Uhr)
Beitragsnummer: 5257
All information available and registration open!

This email is to inform you that our conference website for...

RIMMA2025, International Conference on Forecasting, Preparedness, Warning, and Response –
Visualization, Communication, and Information Management

28 - 31 January 2025, University of Bern, Switzerland
[] offers all the necessary information, facilitates various submission types, and is open for registration.

Stefan Keller
1. April 24 (20:29 Uhr)
Beitragsnummer: 5235
About: This international interdisciplinary conference aims to bring together different disciplines and expertise, ranging from meteorology, warning services, disaster and risk managers and intervention forces to cartography, geoinformation, visualization and communication experts. It will allow the exchange of best practices and provide space for discussion of methodological issues in forecasting of natural hazard impacts, risk modeling, and information management at the interfaces between different phases of integral risk management.

Target audience/participants: The conference addresses researchers, practitioners, agencies/public administration, private sector, and technology developers.

Call for contributions, abstracts and papers: The conference structure is open to presentations, working meetings of interdisciplinary groups, round tables, and workshops to discuss methods and strategies.

* Dates: 28 - 31 January 2025
* Location: University of Bern, Switzerland
* Website: []
* Contact: email to
